Suren Byna
I am a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at The Ohio State University. I'm also a Visiting Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). Prior to joining OSU, I was a Senior Scientist in the Scientific Data Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). Before joining Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Nov 2010, I was a researcher at NEC Labs America, where I was a part of the Computer Systems Architecture Department (now Integrated Systems) and was involved in the Heterogeneous Cluster Computing project. Even before that, I was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). I was also a Guest Researcher at the Math. and Computer Science division of Argonne National Laboratory and a Faculty Member of the Scalable Computing Software Laboratory at IIT. I received my Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
You can contact me at byna〈DOT〉1〈AT〉osu〈DOT〉edu.
Research Interests
My research interests span across many topics in scientific data management and analysis.
These topics include parallel I/O, parallel file systems,
next-generation data management systems, I/O libraries, file formats,
data compression strategies, data movement performance characterization and tuning,
performance data visualization, efficient scientific workflows,
scientific metadata and provenance management strategies,
energy-aware computing, and heterogeneous computing.
I'm the PI of the USA's Exascale Computing Project (ECP)-funded ExaIO project.
I'm also the PI of ASCR funded object-centric data management systems for next-generation HPC and cloud systems (Proactive Data Containers - PDC)
and experimental and observational data management (EOD-HDF5) projects.
Software libraries developed in my teams are in the HPC-IO GitHub Organization.
- PDC: Proactive Data Containers for next generation HPC storage
- h5bench: a Parallel I/O Benchmark Suite for HDF5
- Drishti: Interactive web-based visualization tools to analyze parallel I/O performance
- S2-D2: Securing Self-describing Data, Formats, and Libraries
- A Full-stack Approach to Declarative Analytics at Scale
- StoreHub: A Community Infrastructure for Shaping the Future of Data Storage Research
- FasTensor: Big Data Analytics on Arrays
- HPC-IO Organization on GitHub
Past Projects
- Exascale Computing Project (ECP) - ExaIO
- TOKIO: Total Knowledge of I/O
- ExaHDF5: Advancing HPC I/O to Enable Scientific Discovery
- SDS: A Framework for Scientific Data Services
- Automatic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers in Climate Data
- Server-Push Data Access Architecture
- HPC-IO Organization on GitHub -
Proactive Data Containers (PDC): An object-centric data management system for HPC
[PDC GitHub Repo]
Drishti: Parallel I/O performance analysis - interactive visualization, bottlenck detection, and tuning
[Drishti GitHub Repo]
Asynchronous I/O VOL Connector: An HDF5 Virtual Object Layer (VOL) connector for overlapping I/O with computation
[Async I/O VOL Connector GitHub Repo]
h5bench: A benchmark suite for parallel HDF5 (H5bench)
[h5bench GitHub Repo]
H5Prov VOL Connector: An HDF5 Virtual Object Layer (VOL) connector for collecting provenance of HDF5 I/O calls
[H5Prov VOL Connector GitHub Repo]
[2025] [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016][2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [Earlier than 2007] [Books and Book Chapters] [Patents] [Awards] [Ph.D. Dissertation]
- Chris Egersdoerfer, Arnav Sareen, Jean Luca Bez, Suren Byna, Dongkuan (DK) Xu, and Dong Dai, "IOAgent: Democratizing Trustworthy HPC I/O Performance Diagnosis Capability via LLMs", Accepted to appear at IPDPS 2025.
- Kaveen Hiniduma, Suren Byna, and Jean Luca Bez, "Data Readiness for AI: A 360-Degree Survey", Accepted to appear in ACM Computing Surveys
- Noah Lewis, Suren Byna, and Jean Luca Bez, "I/O in Machine Learning Applications on HPC Systems: A 360-degree Survey", Accepted to appear in ACM Computing Surveys
- M Scot Breitenfeld, Houjun Tang, Huihuo Zheng, Jordan Henderson, Suren Byna "HDF5 in the exascale era: Delivering efficient and scalable parallel I/O for exascale applications", The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Volume: 39, Issue: 1, pp. 65-78 [Journal Link]
- Hyunju Oh, Wei Zhang, Christopher D Rickett, Sreenivas R Sukumar, Suren Byna, "Evaluating Performance Trade-offs of Caching Strategies for AI-Powered Querying Systems", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) [IEEE Xplore Link]
- Bin Dong, Avinash Nayak, Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos, Kesheng Wu, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Qile Zhang, Fan Guo, Suren Byna, Patrick Dobson, Alexander Sim, "TensorSearch: Parallel Similarity Search on Tensors", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) [Preprint from LBL]
- Rajeev Jain, Houjun Tang, Akash Dhruv, Suren Byna, "Enabling Data Reduction for Flash-X Simulations", The 10th International Workshop on Data Analysis and Reduction for Big Scientific Data, SC24 Workshops [IEEE Xplore Link]
- Chen Wang, Houjun Tang, Jean Luca Bez, Suren Byna, "Object-Centric Data Management in HPC Workflows-A Case Study", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops (CLUSTER Workshops) [Prepreint PDF]
- Kaveen Hiniduma, Suren Byna, Jean Luca Bez, and Ravi Madduri, "AI Data Readiness Inspector (AIDRIN) for Quantitative Assessment of Data Readiness for AI", SSDBM 2024. [arXiv Preprint PDF] [Presentation]
- Chris Egersdoerfer, Arnav Sareen, Jean Luca Bez, Suren Byna, and Dong Dai, "ION: Navigating HPC I/O Optimization Journey using Large Language Models", The 16th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 2024) [ACM DL Link]
- Keegan Sanchez, Alex Gavin, Suren Byna, Kesheng Wu and Xuechen Zhang, "A High-Performance Collective I/O Framework Leveraging Node-Local Persistent Memory", 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par) 2024.
- Runzhou Han, Mai Zheng, Suren Byna, Houjun Tang, Bin Dong, Dong Dai, Yong Chen, Dongkyun Kim, Joseph Hassoun, David Thorsley, and Matthew Wolf, "PROV-IO+: A Cross-Platform Provenance Framework for Scientific Data on HPC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2024.
- Jean Luca Bez, Houjun Tang, Scot Breitenfeld, Huihuo Zheng, Wei-keng Liao, Kaiyuan Hou, Zanhua Huang, and Suren Byna, "h5bench: Exploring HDF5 Access Patterns Performance in Pre-Exascale Platforms", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2024.
- Jean Luca Bez, Hammad Ather, Yankun Xia, and Suren Byna "Drilling Down I/O Bottlenecks with Cross-layer I/O Profile Exploration", IPDPS 2024.
- Neeraj Rajesh, Keith Bateman, Suren Byna, Jean Luca Bez, Anthony Kougkas, and Xian-He Sun, "TunIO: An AI-powered Framework for Optimizing HPC I/O", IPDPS 2024.
- Dong Kyu Sung, Yongseok Son, Alex Sim, John Wu, Suren Byna, Houjun Tang, Hyeonsang Eom, and Sunggon Kim, "A2FL: Autonomous and Adaptive File Layout in HPC through Real-time Access Pattern", IPDPS 2024.
- Wei Zhang, Houjun Tang, and Suren Byna, "IDIOMS: Index-powered Distributed Object-centric Metadata Search for Scientific Data Management", CCGrid 2024.
- Bin Dong, John Wu, and Suren Byna, "The Art of Sparsity: Mastering High-Dimensional Tensor Storage", ESSA 2024 in conjunction with IPDPS 2024. [Preprint]
- B. Swaminathan, J. Kang, K. Vaidya, A. Srinivasan, P. Kumar, S. Byna, and D. Barbarash, "Crowd cluster data in the USA for analysis of human response to COVID-19 events and policies", Nature, Scientific Data 10, 267, May 2023, DOI: [Link] [Link to PDF]
- Chenxu Niu, Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, and Yong Chen, "PSQS: Parallel Semantic Querying Service for Self-describing File Formats", The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData'23), 2023. [Preprint]
- Keegan Sanchez, Alex Gavin, Suren Byna, John Wu, and Xuechen Zhang, "A High-Performance PM-Aware Collective I/O", Poster at SC23 (Best Poster Award Finalist)
- Jean Luca Bez, Suren Byna, and Shadi Ibrahim "I/O Access Patterns in HPC Applications: A 360-Degree Survey", ACM Computing Surveys [ACM Link] [ACM Link to PDF] [Preprint]
- Suren Byna, Stratos Idreos, Terry Jones, Kathryn Mohror, Rob Ross, and Florin Rusu, "Report for the ASCR Workshop on the Management and Storage of Scientific Data", doi:10.2172/1845707 [OSTI Webpage] [Link to PDF]
- Sunggon Kim, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, and Yongseok Son, "Design and implementation of I/O performance prediction scheme on HPC systems through large-scale log analysis", Journal of Big Data, 10:65, 2023 [Link]
- Bin Dong, Jean Luca Bez, and Suren Byna, "AIIO: Using Artificial Intelligence for Job-level and Automatic I/O Performance Bottleneck Diagnosis", The 32nd ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2023. [Preprint]
- John Ravi, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, and Michela Becchi, "Evaluating Asynchronous Parallel I/O on HPC Systems", 37th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2023. [Preprint] [Presentation]
- Hammad Ather, Jean Luca Bez, Boyana Norris, and Suren Byna, "Illuminating the I/O Optimization Path of Scientific Applications", ISC HPC 2023. [Preprint] [Presentation]
- John Ravi, Suren Byna, and Michela Becchi, "Runway: In-transit Data Compression on Heterogeneous HPC Systems", The 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) 2023. [Preprint] [Presentation]
- Md Kamal Hossain Chowdhury, Houjun Tang, Jean Luca Bez, Purushotham Bangalore, and Suren Byna, "Efficient Asynchronous I/O with Request Merging", 4th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis (ESSA) 2023.
- Jean Luca Bez, Hammad Ather, and Suren Byna, "Drishti: Guiding End-Users in the I/O Optimization Journey", PDSW 2022, to be held in conjunction with SC22.
- Rajeev Jain, Houjun Tang, Akash Dhruv, J. Austin Harris, and Suren Byna, "Accelerating Flash-X Simulations with Asynchronous I/O", PDSW 2022, to be held in conjunction with SC22.
- Sian Jin, Dingwen Tao, Houjun Tang, Sheng Di, Suren Byna, Zarija Lukic, and Franck Cappello, "Accelerating Parallel Write via Deeply Integrating Predictive Lossy Compression with HDF5", Supercomputing 2022 (SC22). [Preprint]
- Chenxu Niu, Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, and Yong Chen, "Kv2vec: A Distributed Representation Method for Key-value Pairs from Metadata Attributes" the 27th IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC'22), 2022. [Preprint]
- Runzhou Han, Suren Byna, Houjun Tang, Bin Dong, and Mai Zheng, "PROV-IO: An I/O-Centric Provenance Framework for Scientific Data on HPC Systems", HPDC 2022. [Paper]
- Chenxu Niu, Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, and Yong Chen, "Kv2vec: A Distributed Representation Method for Key-value Pairs from Metadata Attributes", IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2022, DOI: 10.1109/HPEC55821.2022.9926389 [IEEE Xplore Link]
- Jean Luca Bez, Ahmad Maroof Karimi, Arnab K. Paul, Bing Xie, Suren Byna, Philip Carns, Sarp Oral, Feiyi Wang, and Jesse Hanley, "Access Patterns and Performance Behaviors of Multi-layer Supercomputer I/O Subsystems under Production Load", HPDC 2022. [Paper]
- Bin Dong, Alex Popescu, Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos, Suren Byna, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Kesheng Wu, and the Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Team, "Real-time and post-hoc compression for data from Distributed Acoustic Sensing", Computers & Geosciences, Volume 166, 2022 [DOI]
- Sunggon Kim, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, and Yongseok Son "Design and implementation of dynamic I/O control scheme for large scale distributed file systems", Cluster Computing (The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications), 2022 [DOI]
- Suren Byna, "Understanding Parallel I/O Performance and Tuning", Keynote Speech Abstract, In Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics (SNTA '22). [Abstract] [Slides] [DOI]
- Suren Byna, "Keynote Speech: Object-focused Storage and Management of Science Data", In 12th Workshop on AI and Scientific Computing at Scale using Flexible Computing Infrastructures (FlexScience) 2022 [Slides]
- John Wu, Bin Dong, and Suren Byna, "FasTensor: Data-Parallel Analysis for Large Remote Sensing Data", IEEE GRSS workshop on Remote Sensing Data Management Technologies in GeoScience 2022 (RSDM-GeoSci 2022)
- Huihuo Zheng, Venkatram Vishwanath, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, John Ravi, John Mainzer and Suren Byna, "HDF5 Cache VOL: Efficient and Scalable Parallel I/O through Caching Data on Node-local Storage", The 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) 2022. [Paper]
- Amit Bashyal, Peter Van Gemmeren, Saba Sehrish, Kyle Knoepfel, Suren Byna, and Qiao Kang, "Data Storage for HEP Experiments in the Era of High-Performance Computing", the Proceedings of the US Community Study on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2021) [Paper] [Snowmass 2021 submissions to Computational Frontier]
- Suren Byna, Stratos Idreos, Terry Jones, Kathryn Mohror, Rob Ross, Florin Rusu, "Basic Research Needs for Management and Storage of Scientific Data", A brochure on priority research directions discussed in the DOE ASCR workshop on Management and Storage of Scientific Data, 2022. Web. doi:10.2172/1845705 [Link]
- Sian Jin, Sheng Di, Jiannan Tian, Suren Byna, Dingwen Tao, and Franck Cappello, "Improving Prediction-Based Lossy Compression Dramatically Via Ratio-Quality Modeling", The 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2022) [Early version on arXiv]
- Runzhou Han, Suren Byna, and Mai Zheng, "Towards A Practical Provenance Framework for Scientific Data on HPC Systems", Poster, FAST '22 [Abstract] [Poster]
- Suren Byna, Stratos Idreos, Terry Jones, Kathryn Mohror, Rob Ross, Florin Rusu, "Position Papers for the ASCR Workshop on the Management and Storage of Scientific Data", 2022. Web. doi:10.2172/1843500 [Link]
- Qiao Kang, Scot Breitenfeld, Kaiyuan Hou, Wei-keng Liao, Robert Ross, and Suren Byna, "Optimizing Performance of Parallel I/O Accesses to Non-contiguous Blocks in Multiple Array Variables", IEEE BigData 2021 conference, Dec 2021 [Paper]
- Jiwoo Bang, Chungyong Kim, Kesheng Wu, Alex Sim, Suren Byna, Hanul Sung, Hyeonsang Eom , "An In-Depth I/O Pattern Analysis in HPC Systems", 28th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, & Analytics (HiPC 2021) [Paper]
- Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, Hyogi Sim, Sangkeun Lee, Sudharshan Vazhkudai, and Yong Chen, "Exploiting User Activeness for Data Retention in HPC Systems", SC '21: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2021 [Paper] [[Paper - ACM DL]]
- Jean Luca Bez, Houjun Tang, Bing Xie, David Williams-Young, Rob Latham, Rob Ross, Sarp Oral, and Suren Byna, "I/O Bottleneck Detection and Tuning: Connecting the Dots using Interactive Log Analysis", 6th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW) 2021, held in conjunction with SC21 [Paper]
- Cong Xu, Suparna Bhattacharya, Martin Foltin, Suren Byna, and Paolo Faraboschi "Data-Aware Storage Tiering for Deep Learning", 6th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW) 2021, held in conjunction with SC21 [Paper]
- Houjun Tang, Bing Xie, Suren Byna, Phillip Carns, Quincey Koziol, Sudarsun Kannan, Jay Lofstead, and Sarp Oral, "SCTuner: An Auto-tuner Addressing Dynamic I/O Needs on Supercomputer I/O Sub-systems ", 6th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW) 2021, held in conjunction with SC21 [Paper]
- Bo Fang, Daoce Wang, Sian Jin, Quincey Koziol, Zhao Zhang, Qiang Guan, Suren Byna, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, and Dingwen Tao, "Characterizing Impacts of Storage Faults on HPC Applications: A Methodology and Insights", IEEE Cluster 2021 [PDF] [Paper]
- Suren Byna, Houjun Tang, and Quincey Koziol, "Automatic and Transparent Scientific Data Management with Object Abstractions", Presentation at PASC 2021, in a Minisymposium on "Data Movement Orchestration on HPC Systems", [Session Link]
- Quincey Koziol and Suren Byna, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Making Your Data Available in Time for Discovery", A position paper the ASCR Workshop on Reimagining Codesign, 2021. [Position Paper] [All Position Papers from the workshop]
- Tonglin Li, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, Jean Luca Bez, and Qiao Kang, "h5bench: HDF5 I/O Kernel Suite for Exercising HPC I/O Patterns", Cray User Group meeting (CUG) 2021 [Preprint]
- Houjun Tang, Quincey Koziol, John Ravi, and Suren Byna, "Transparent Asynchronous Parallel I/O using Background Threads", IEEE TPDS - Special Section on Innovative R&D toward the Exascale Era, 2021 [Preprint] [IEEE TPDS Preprints]
- Bing Xie, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Jesse Hanley, Quincey Koziol, Tonglin Li, Sarp Oral, "Battle of the Defaults: Extracting Performance Characteristics of HDF5 under Production Load", CCGrid 2021 [Pre-print version]
- John Ravi, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, "GPU Direct I/O with HDF5", 5th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW) 2020 [PDF]
- Bjoern Enders, Debbie Bard, Cory Snavely, Lisa Gerhardt, Jason Lee, Becci Totzke, Katie Antypas, Suren Byna, Ravi Cheema, Shreyas Cholia, Mark Day, Aditi Gaur, Annette Greiner, Taylor Groves, Mariam Kiran, Quincey Koziol, Kelly Rowland, Chris Samuel, Ashwin Selvarajan, Alex Sim, David Skinner, Rollin Thomas, Gabor Torok "Cross-facility science with the Superfacility Project at LBNL", IEEE/ACM 2nd Annual Workshop on Extreme-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP), 2020, in conjunction with SC20 [PDF]
- Kai-yuan Hou, Quincey Kozio, and Suren Byna "TaskWorks: A Task Engine for Empowering Asynchronous Operations in HPC Applications", SC20 Research Posters, 2020
- Chenxu Niu, Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, and Yong Chen "Semantic Search for Self-Describing Scientific Data Formats", SC20 Research Posters, 2020
- Jingqing Mu, Jerome Soumagne, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, and Richard Warren, "Interfacing HDF5 with A Scalable Object-centric Storage System on Hierarchical Storage", Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (DOI: [PDF] [Link])
- Bing Xie, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, and Sarp Oral, "Tuning I/O Performance on Summit – HDF5 Write Use Case Study", Invited talk at the HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop (HPC-IODC) 2020, in conjunction with the ISC High Performance 2020.
- Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Bin Dong, and Quincey Koziol "Parallel Query Service for Object-centric Data Management Systems", The 6th IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data and Cloud Computing (HPBDC) 2020, in conjunction with IPDPS 2020. [PDF]
- Donghe Kang, Oliver Rübel, Suren Byna, and Spyros Blanas, "Predicting and Comparing the Performance of Array Management Libraries", IPDPS 2020 [PDF]
- Bin Dong, Veronica Rodriguez Tribaldos, Xin Xing, Suren Byna, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, and Kesheng Wu, "DASSA: Parallel DAS Data Storage and Analysis for Subsurface Event Detection", IPDPS 2020 [PDF]
- Sunggon Kim, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, Yongseok Son, and Hyeonsang Eom, "Towards HPC I/O Performance Prediction through Large-scale Log Analysis", The 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2020 [PDF]
- Jiwoo Bang, Chungyong Kim, Kesheng Wu, Alex Sim, Suren Byna, Sunggon Kim, and Hyeonsang Eom, "HPC Workload Characterization Using Feature Selection and Clustering", 3rd International Workshop on System and Network Telemetry and Analytics (SNTA'20), 2020 [PDF]
- Tirthak Patel, Suren Byna, Glenn K. Lockwood, Nicholas J. Wright, Philip Carns, Rob Ross, and Devesh Tiwari, "Uncovering Access, Reuse, and Sharing Characteristics of I/O-Intensive Files on Large-Scale Production HPC Systems", FAST '20 [Link]
- Suren Byna, M. Scot Breitenfeld, Bin Dong, Quincey Koziol, Elena Pourmal, Dana Robinson, Jerome Soumagne, Houjun Tang, Venkatram Vishwanath, and Richard Warren, "ExaHDF5: Delivering Efficient Parallel I/O on Exascale Computing Systems," Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2020, 35(1): 145-160. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-020-9822-9 [PDF] [JCST Link]
- Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, Chenxu Niu, and Yong Chen, "Exploring Metadata Search Essentials for Scientific Data Management", 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC) 2019 [Pre-print version]
- Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Stephen Bailey, Zarija Lukic, Jialin Liu, Quincey Koziol, and Bin Dong, "Tuning Object-centric Data Management Systems for Large Scale Scientific Applications ", 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC) 2019 [Pre-print version]
- Richard Warren, Jerome Soumagne, Jingqing Mu, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Bin Dong, and Quincey Koziol, "Analysis in the Data Path of an Object-centric Data Management System ", 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC) 2019 [Pre-print version]
- Houjun Tang, Quincey Koziol, Suren Byna, John Mainzer, and Tonglin Li, "Enabling Transparent Asynchronous I/O using Background Threads", PDSW 2019, in conjunction with SC19. [Pre-print version]
- Glenn K. Lockwood, Shane Snyder, Suren Byna, Philip Carns, and Nicholas J. Wright, "Understanding Data Motion in the Modern HPC Data Center", PDSW 2019, in conjunction with SC19. [Pre-print version] [Slides]
- Megha Agarwal, Divyansh Singhvi, Preeti Malakar, and Suren Byna, "Active Learning-based Automatic Tuning and Prediction of Parallel I/O Performance", PDSW 2019, in conjunction with SC19. [Pre-print version] [Slides]
- Tirthak Patel, Suren Byna, Glenn K. Lockwood, and Devesh Tiwari, "Revisiting I/O Behavior in Large-Scale Storage Systems: The Expected and the Unexpected", SC19 [Pre-print version]
- Wei Zhang, Suren Byna, Houjun Tang, Brody Williams, and Yong Chen, "MIQS: Metadata Indexing and erying Service for Self-Describing File Formats", SC19 [Pre-print version]
- John Mainzer, Neil Fortner, Gerd Heber, Elena Pourmal, Quincey Koziol, Suren Byna, and Marc Paterno, "Sparse Data Management in HDF5", 2019 IEEE/ACM 1st Annual Workshop on Large-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP), in conjunction with SC19 [PDF]
- Donghe Kang, Oliver Rübel, Suren Byna, and Spyros Blanas, "Comparison of Array Management Library Performance - A Neuroscience Use Case", SC19 Poster
- Bin Dong, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, and Houjun Tang, "SLOPE: Structural Locality-aware Programming Model for Composing Array Data Analysis", ISC High Performance 2019 [PDF]
- Teng Wang, Suren Byna, Glenn Lockwood, Philip Carns, Shane Snyder, Sunggon Kim, and Nicholas Wright, "A Zoom-in Analysis of I/O Logs to Detect Root Causes of I/O Performance Bottlenecks", IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2019 [Pre-print version]
- Sunggon Kim, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, Teng Wang, Yongseok Son, and Hyeonsang Eom, "DCA-IO: A Dynamic I/O Control Scheme for Parallel and Distributed File System", IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2019 [Pre-print version] [Pre-print version]
- Bin Dong, Patrick Frank Heiner Kilian, Xiaocan Li, Fan Guo, Suren Byna and Kesheng Wu, "Terabyte-scale Particle Data Analysis: An ArrayUDF Case Study" 31st International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM) 2019 [Link to ACM]
- Jingqing Mu, Jerome Soumagne, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, and Richard Warren, "Interfacing HDF5 with A Scalable Object-centric Storage System on Hierarchical Storage", Cray User Group (CUG) 2019 [Pre-print version]
- Tonglin Li, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, Jialin Liu, and Suren Byna, "I/O Performance Analysis of Science Applications Using HDF5 File-level Provenance", Cray User Group (CUG) 2019 [Pre-print version]
- Babak Behzad, Suren Byna, Prabhat, and Marc Snir, "Optimizing I/O Performance of HPC Applications with Autotuning", ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC), Volume 5 Issue 4, March 2019, Article No. 15, doi: 10.1145/3309205 [Link to ACM Digital Library] [Pre-print version]
- Beytullah Yildiz, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, and Arie Shoshanii, "Parallel membership queries on very large scientific data sets using bitmap indexes", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2019 (DOI: [Pre-print version]
- Haoyuan Xing, Sofoklis Floratos, Spyros Blanas, Suren Byna, Prabhat, Kesheng Wu, Paul Brown, "ArrayBridge: Interweaving declarative array processing in SciDB with imperative HDF5-based programs", 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2018 [Preprint]
- Bin Dong, Teng Wang, Houjun Tang, Quincey Koziol, Kesheng Wu, and Suren Byna "ARCHIE: Data Analysis Acceleration with Array Caching in Hierarchical Storage", IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData) 2018 [Pre-print version]
- J.S. Vetter, R. Brightwell, M. Gokhale, P. McCormick, R. Ross, J. Shalf, K. Antypas, D. Donofrio, A. Dubey, T. Humble, C. Schuman, B. Van Essen, S. Yoo, A. Aiken, D. Bernholdt, S. Byna, K. Cameron, F. Cappello, B. Chapman, A. Chien, M. Hall, R. Hartman-Baker, Z. Lan, M. Lang, J. Leidel, S. Li, R. Lucas, J. Mellor-Crummey, P. Peltz, Jr., T. Peterka, M. Strout, and J. Wilke, "Extreme Heterogeneity 2018: DOE ASCR Basic Research Needs Workshop on Extreme Heterogeneity", US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Advanced Scientific Computing Research, 2018, doi:10.2172/1473756. [pdf]
- Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, Venkatram Vishwanath, Jerome Soumagne, Houjun Tang, Kimmy Mu, Richard Warren, François Tessier, Bin Dong, Teng Wang, and Jialin Liu, "Proactive Data Containers (PDC): An object-centric data store for large-scale computing systems", AGU Fall Meeting 2018 [Session][Slides]
- Wei Zhang, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, and Yong Cheng, "DART: Distributed Adaptive Radix Tree for Efficient Affix-based Keyword Search on HPC Systems", The 27th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'18) [Pre-print version]
- Jialin Liu, Quincey Koziol, Gregory Butler, Neil Fortner, Mohamad Chaarawi, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Glenn Lockwood, Ravi Cheema, Kristy Kallback-Rose, Damian Hazen, and Prabhat, "Evaluation of HPC Application I/O on Object Storage Systems", 3rd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage and Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS), 2018 (Held in conjunction with SC18) [Pre-print version]
- Fahim Chowdhury, Jialin Liu, Quincey Koziol, Thorsten Kurth, Steven Farrell, Suren Byna, Prabhat, Weikuan Yu, "Initial Characterization of I/O in Large-Scale Deep Learning Applications", Work in Progress paper, 3rd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage and Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS), 2018 (Held in conjunction with SC18) [Pre-print version]
- Tonglin Li, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, and Suren Byna, "Anycast: Rootless Broadcasting with MPI", Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI), 2018 (Held in conjunction with SC18) [Pre-print version]
- Teng Wang, Suren Byna, Bin Dong, and Houjun Tang, "UniviStor: Integrated Hierarchical and Distributed Storage for HPC", IEEE Cluster 2018. [Pre-print version]
Teng Wang, Suren Byna, Glenn Lockwood, Nicholas Wright, Phil Carns, and Shane Snyder,
"IOMiner: Large-scale Analytics Framework for Gaining Knowledge from I/O Logs",
IEEE Cluster 2018.
[Pre-print version]
- Kimmy Mu, Jerome Soumagne, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol, and Richard Warren, "A Server-managed Transparent Object Storage Abstraction for HPC", IEEE Cluster 2018. [Pre-print version]
- Glenn Lockwood, Shane Snyder, Teng Wang, Suren Byna, Phil Carns, and Nicholas Wright, "A Year in the Life of a Parallel File System", 2018 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, and Storage (SC'18) [ACM Digital Library] [Pre-print version]
Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Francois Tessier, Teng Wang, Bin Dong, Jingqing Mu, Quincey Koziol, Jerome Soumagne, Venkatram Vishwanath, Jialin Liu, and Richard Warren,
"Toward Scalable and Asynchronous Object-centric Data Management for HPC",
18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid) 2018
[Pre-print version]
Bharti Wadhwa, Suren Byna, Ali R. Butt,
"Toward Transparent Data Management in Multi-layer Storage Hierarchy for HPC Systems",
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering 2018 (IC2E 2018)
[Pre-print version]
- Glenn Lockwood, Shane Snyder, Wucherl Yoo, Kevin Harms, Zachary Nault, Suren Byna, Philip Carns, Nicholas Wright, "UMAMI: A Recipe for Generating Meaningful Metrics through Holistic I/O Performance Analysis", 2nd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS), 2017 (Held in conjunction with SC17) [Paper] [Slides]
- Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Bin Dong, Jialin Liu, and Quincey Koziol, "SoMeta: Scalable Object-centric Metadata Management for High Performance Computing", IEEE Cluster 2017 [Preprint version]
- Bin Dong, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, Jialin Liu, Weijie Zhao, and Florin Rusu, "ArrayUDF: User-Defined Scientific Data Analysis on Arrays", The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2017 [Preprint version]
- Suren Byna, Mohamad Chaarawi, Quincey Koziol, John Mainzer, and Frank Willmore, "Tuning HDF5 subfiling performance on parallel file systems", Cray User Group Conference 2017 (CUG 2017) [Preprint] [Presentation]
- Jialin Liu, Quincey Koziol, Houjun Tang, François Tessier, Wahid Bhimji, Brandon Cook, Brian Austin, Suren Byna, Bhupender Thakur, Glenn Lockwood, Jack Deslippe, and Prabhat, "Understanding the I/O Performance Gap Between Cori KNL and Haswell", Cray User Group Conference 2017 (CUG 2017) [Preprint] [Presentation]
- Cong Xu, Shane Snyder, Omkar Kulkarni, Vishwanath Venkatesan, Philip Carns, Suren Byna, Robert Sisneros, and Kalyana Chadalavada, "DXT: Darshan eXtended Tracing", Cray User Group Conference 2017 (CUG 2017) [Preprint] [Presentation]
- Haoyuan Xing, Sofoklis Floratos, Spyros Blanas, Suren Byna, Prabhat, Kesheng Wu, Paul Brown, "ArrayBridge: Interweaving declarative array processing with high-performance computing", arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.08327, 2017 [Preprint]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, Kesheng Wu, Prabhat, Hans Johansen, Jeffrey N. Johnson, and Noel Keen, "Data Elevator: Low-contention Data Movement in Hierarchical Storage System", The 23rd annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), 2016. [Preprint version] [Presentation]
- Wenzhao Zhang, Houjun Tang, Stephen Ranshous, Suren Byna, Daniel F. Martin, Kesheng Wu, Bin Dong, Scott Klasky, and Nagiza F. Samatova, "Exploring memory hierarchy and network topology for runtime AMR data sharing across scientific applications", Big Data Conference 2016 [PDF version] [IEEE Xplore DL link]
- Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Steve Harenberg, Wenzhao Zhang, Xiaocheng Zou, Daniel F. Martin, Bin Dong, Dharshi Devendran, Kesheng Wu, David Trebotich, Scott Klasky, and Nagiza Samatova, "In situ Storage Layout Optimization for AMR Spatio-temporal Read Accesses", The International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2016, to be held in Philadelphia, Aug 16-19, 2016 [IEEE Xplore DL link]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and Kesheng Wu, "SDS-Sort: Scalable Dynamic Skew-aware Parallel Sorting", The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2016 [Preprint version]
- Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary, Nadathur Rajagopalan Satish, Narayanan Sundaram, Jialin Liu, Peter Sadowski, Evan Racah, Suren Byna, Craig Tull, Wahid Bhimji, Prabhat, and Pradeep Dubey, "PANDA: Extreme Scale Parallel K-Nearest Neighbor on Distributed Architectures", 30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2016, Chicago [Preprint version]
- Houjun Tang, Suren Byna, Steven Harenberg, Xiaocheng Zou, Wenzhao Zhang, Kesheng Wu, Bin Dong, Oliver Rubel, Kristofer Bouchard, Scott Klasky, and Nagiza Samatova, "Usage Pattern-Driven Dynamic Data Layout Reorganization", 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid) 2016 [Preprint version]
- Wenzhao Zhang, Houjun Tang, Steven Harenberg, Suren Byna, Xiaocheng Zou, Dharshi Devendran, Daniel Martin, Kesheng Wu, Bin Dong, Scott Klasky, and Nagiza Samatova, "AMRZone: A Runtime AMR Data Sharing Framework For Scientific Applications", 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid) 2016 [Preprint version]
- Dharshi Devendran, Suren Byna, Bin Dong, Brian van Straalen, Hans Johansen, Noel Keen, and Nagiza Samatova, "Collective I/O Optimizations for Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data Writes on Lustre File System", CUG 2016 [Preprint version]
- Cong Xu, Suren Byna, Vishwanath Venkatesan, Robert Sisneros, Omkar Kulkarni, Mohamad Chaarawi, and Kalyana Chadalavada, "LIOProf: Exposing Lustre File System Behavior for I/O Middleware", CUG 2016 [Preprint version]
- Wahid Bhimji, Debbie Bard, Melissa Romanus, David Paul, Andrey Ovsyannikov, Brian Friesen, Matt Bryson, Joaquin Correa, Glenn K. Lockwood, Vakho Tsulaia, Suren Byna, Steve Farrell, Doga Gursoy, Chris Daley, Vince Beckner, Brian Van Straalen, Nicholas Wright, Katie Antypas, and Prabhat, "Accelerating Science with the NERSC Burst Buffer Early User Program", CUG 2016, Best Paper Award [Preprint version]
- Jialin Liu, Evan Racah, Quincey Koziol, Richard Shane Canon, Alex Gittens, Lisa Gerhardt, Suren Byna, Mike F. Ringenburg, and Prabhat "H5Spark: Bridging the I/O Gap between Spark and Scientific Data Formats on HPC Systems", CUG 2016 [Preprint version]
- Xiaocheng Zou, David Boyuka, Dhara Desai, Daniel Martin, Suren Byna, Kesheng Wu, Kushal Bansal, Bin Dong, Wenzhao Zhang, Houjun Tang, Dharshi Devendran, David Trebotich, Scott Klasky, Hans Johansen, and Nagiza Samatova, "AMR-aware In Situ Indexing and Scalable Querying", The 24th High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2016), HPC 2016 Best Paper Award, Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2016 (SpringSim'16) Best Paper Runner up [Preprint version]
- Burlen Loring, Suren Byna, Prabhat, Junmin Gu, Hari Krishnan, Michael Wehner, and Oliver Ruebel, "TECA an Extreme Event Detection and Climate Analysis Package for High Performance Computing", The AMS (American Meteorological Society) 96th Annual Meeting, Jan 2016 [Abstract]
- Harinarayan Krishnan, Burlen Loring, Suren Byna, Michael F. Wehner, Travis A. O'Brien, Prabhat, Chris Paciorek, and Daithi Stone, "Enabling End-to-End Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments", The AMS (American Meteorological Society) 96th Annual Meeting, Jan 2016 [Abstract]
- Soyoung Jeon, Prabhat, Suren Byna, Junmin Gu, William Collins, and Michael Wehner, "Characterization of extreme precipitation within atmospheric river events over California", Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (ASCMO), 1, 45-57, doi:10.5194/ascmo-1-45-2015, 2015 [Download from ASCMO]
- Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary, Suren Byna, Nadathur Rajagopalan Satish, Narayanan Sundaram, Zarija Lukic, Vadim Roytershteyn, Michael J. Anderson, Yushu Yao, Prabhat, and Pradeep Dubey, "BD-CATS: Big Data Clustering at Trillion Particle Scale", Supercomputing 2015 (SC15), November 2015 [PDF]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and Kesheng Wu, "Heavy-tailed Distribution of Parallel I/O System Response Time", 10th Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW) 2015, in conjunction with SC15, November 2015 [PDF]
- Babak Behzad, Suren Byna, Prabhat and Marc Snir, "Pattern-driven Parallel I/O Tuning ", 10th Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW) 2015, in conjunction with SC15, November 2015 [PDF]
- Shane Snyder, Philip Carns, Robert Latham, Misbah Mubarak, Chris Carothers, Babak Behzad, Huong Vu Thanh Luu, Suren Byna, and Prabhat, "Techniques for Modeling Large-scale HPC I/O Workloads", the 6th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS15), in conjunction with SC15, November 2015 [PDF] [ACM Digital Library]
- Hari Krishnan, Suren Byna, Michael Wehner, Junmin Gu, Travis O'Brien, Burlen Loring, Daithi Stone, William Collins, Prabhat, Yunjie Liu, Jeffrey Johnson, and Christopher Paciorek, "Enabling Efficient Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments", AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2015 [Poster Session: A New Look at Climate Diagnosis and Modeling in the Era of Climate Informatics] [Abstract]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and Kesheng Wu, "Spatially Clustered Join on Heterogeneous Scientific Data Sets", IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2015) [PDF]
- Jinoh Kim, Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and Kesheng Wu, "Security for the Scientific Data Services Framework", 2nd International Workshop on Privacy and Security of Big Data (PSBD 2015), in conjunction with IEEE BigData 2015
- Jialin Liu, Yong Chen and Suren Byna, "Collective Computing for Scientific Big Data Analysis", Eighth International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2), 2015, in conjunction with ICPP 2015. [PDF]
- Babak Behzad, Suren Byna, Stefan Wild, Prabhat and Marc Snir, "Dynamic Model-driven Parallel I/O Performance Tuning", IEEE Cluster 2015 [PDF]
- H. Luu, M. Winslett, W. Gropp, R. Ross, P. Carns, K. Harms, Prabhat, S. Byna, and Y. Yao, "A Multi-platform Study of I/O Behavior on Petascale Supercomputers", The 24th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2015 [Preprint (PDF)] [BibTeX]
- Prabhat, Suren Byna, Venkat Vishwanath, Eli Dart, Michael Wehner, and William Collins, "TECA: Petscale Pattern Recognition for Climate Science", 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) 2015 [PDF] [Won the Juelich Supercomputing Center prize for the best application of HPC technology in solving a pattern recognition problem]
- X. Zou, K. Wu, D.Boyuka II, D. Martin, S. Byna, H. Tang, K. Bansal, T. Ligocki, H. Johansen, and N. Samatova, "Parallel In Situ Detection of Connected Components in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data", IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2015 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- Kalyana Chadalavada, Rob Sisneros, Suren Byna, and Quincey Koziol, "Tuning Parallel I/O on Blue Waters for Writing 10 Trillion Particles", Cray Users Group (CUG) meeting 2015 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- Suren Byna and Brian Austin, "Evaluation of Parallel I/O Performance and Energy Consumption with Frequency Scaling on Cray XC30", Cray Users Group (CUG) meeting 2015 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- S. Jeon, C. Paciorek, Prabhat, S. Byna, W. Collins, and M. Wehner "Uncertainty Quantification for Characterizing Spatial Tail Dependence under Statistical Framework", Poster @ American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Fall Meeting 2014 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
- M. S. Breitenfeld, K. Chadalavada, R. Sisneros, S. Byna, Q. Koziol, N. Fortner, Prabhat, and V. Vishwanath, "Recent Progress in Tuning Performance of Large-scale I/O with Parallel HDF5", Work-in-Progress presentation @ the 9th Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW) held in conjunction with SC14, 2014 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and John Wu, "Parallel Query Evaluation as a Scientific Data Service", IEEE Cluster 2014 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- S. Blanas, K. Wu, S. Byna, B. Dong, and A. Shoshani, "Parallel Data Analysis Directly on Scientific File Formats", ACM SIGMOD 2014 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- B. Behzad, S. Byna, S. Wild, Prabhat, and M. Snir, "Improving Parallel I/O Autotuning with Performance Modeling", The 23rd ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2014 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- Hsuan-Te Chiu, Jerry Chou, Venkat Vishwanath, Suren Byna, and Kesheng Wu, "Simplifying Index File Structure to Improve I/O Performance of Parallel Indexing", The 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2014) [PDF] [BibTeX]
- Ted Habermann, Andrew Collette, Steve Vincena, Werner Benger, Jay Jay Billings, Matt Gerring, Konrad Hinsen, Pierre de Buyl, Mark Könnecke, Filipe Maia, and Suren Byna, "The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF): A Foundation for Sustainable Data and Software", 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2), in conjunction with Supercomputing 2014 (SC14) [PDF] [BibTeX]
- J. Liu, S. Byna, B. Dong, K. Wu, and Y. Chen, "Model-driven Data Layout Selection for Improving Read Performance", High Performance Data Intensive Computing (HPDIC2014) workshop in conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2014 [PDF] [BibTeX]
- S. Jeon, Prabhat, S. Byna, W.D. Collins, and M.F. Wehner, "Characterization of Extreme Precipitation under Atmospheric River Events", Joint Statistical Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2014. [Abstract] [Poster]
- S. Jeon, Prabhat, S. Byna, W. Collins, and M. F. Wehner, "Event Detection and Spatial Analysis for Characterizing Extreme Precipitation", Poster @ American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Fall Meeting 2013
- Prabhat, S. Byna, V. Vishwanath, W. Bethel, W. Collins, and M. F. Wehner, "TECA: Extreme Climate Analytics on Petascale Platforms", Poster @ American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Fall Meeting 2013
- B. Behzad, H. Luu, J. Huchette, S. Byna, Prabhat, R. Aydt, Q. Koziol, and M. Snir, "Taming Parallel I/O Complexity with Auto-Tuning", ACM/IEEE Supercomputing 2013 (SC13) [PDF]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and John Wu, "SDS: A Framework for Scientific Data Services", 8th Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW) held in conjunction with SC13, 2013 [PDF]
- Bin Dong, Suren Byna, and John Wu, "Expediting Scientific Data Analysis with Reorganization", IEEE Cluster 2013 [PDF]
- J.L. Liu, S. Byna, and Y. Chen, "Segmented Analysis for Reducing Data Movement", IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2013) [PDF]
- K-W. Lin, J. Chou, S. Byna, and K. Wu, "Optimizing FastQuery Performance on Lustre File System", 25th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM) 2013 [PDF (2.2 MB)]
- B. Behzad, J. Huchette, H. Luu, R. Aydt, S. Byna, Y.Yao, Q. Koziol, and Prabhat, "A Framework for Auto-tuning HDF5 Applications ", HPDC 2013 Short Paper [PDF (238 KB)]
- S. Byna, A. Uselton, Prabhat, D. Knaak, and Y. He, "Trillion Particles, 120,000 cores, and 350 TBs: Lessons Learned from a Hero I/O Run on Hopper", Cray User Group meeting 2013 (CUG 2013) [PDF (1 MB)] [[Best Paper Award]]
- Prabhat, William D. Collins, Michael Wehner, Suren Byna, Chris Paciorek, "Big Data Challenges in Climate Science", Poster @ Berkeley Atmospheric Science Symposium, UC Berkeley, Feb 8th 2013
- E. Wes Bethel, Prabhat, Suren Byna, Oliver Rübel, K. John Wu, and Michael Wehner, "Why High Performance Visual Data Analytics is both Relevant and Difficult", Visualization and Data Analysis 2013, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2013, San Francisco CA, USA [PDF (~3.6 MB)] [Link]
- S. Byna, J. Chou, O. Rübel, Prabhat, H. Karimabadi, W. S. Daughton, V. Roytershteyn, E. W. Bethel, M. Howison, K-J. Hsu, K-W. Lin, A. Shoshani, A. Uselton, and K. Wu, "Parallel I/O, Analysis, and Visualization of a Trillion Particle Simulation", ACM/IEEE SuperComputing Conference (SC'12), November 2012 [PDF (~8MB)] [LBL CRD News Article] [ScienceDaily] [] [insideHPC] [isgtw] [Project page]
- B. Behzad, J. Huchette, H. Luu, R. Aydt, S. Byna, M. Chaarawi, Q. Koziol, Prabhat, and Y. Yao, "Auto-tuning of Parallel I/O Parameters for HDF5 Applications", Poster at the ACM/IEEE SuperComputing Conference (SC'12), November 2012
- E. W. Bethel, R. Ross, W-K. Liao, Prabhat, K. Schuchardt, P-T. Bremer, O. Rübel, S. Byna, K. Wu, F. Li, M. Wehner, J. Patchett, H-W. Shen, D. Pugmire, and D. Williams, "Recent Advances in Visual Data Exploration and Analysis of Climate Data", Poster at the SciDAC 3 Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD, September 2012
- S. Byna, J. Chou, O. Rübel, Prabhat, H. Karimabadi, W. S. Daughton, V. Roytershteyn, E. W. Bethel, M. Howison, K-J. Hsu, K-W. Lin, A. Shoshani, A. Uselton, and K. Wu, "Parallel Data, Analysis, and Visualization of a Trillion Particles", Lightning Talk and Poster Presentation at the 6th Extremely Large Databases Conference (XLDB), 2012 [Poster - PDF (~9MB)] [Presentation (PDF)] [XLDB Abstract]
- E. W. Bethel, Prabhat, O. Rübel, S. Byna, K. Wu, F. Li, M. Wehner, J. Chou, M. Howison, J. Qiang, R. D. Ryne, C. G. R. Geddes, and E. Cormier-Michel, "Big Data Analysis and Visualization: What do Linacs and Troplical Storms have in Common?", Invited paper at the 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP) 2012 [PDF (~412 KB)] [ICAP 2012]
- Prabhat, Michael Wehner, Surendra Byna, Oliver Rübel, Fuyu Li, Wes Bethel, and Bill Collins, "13 TB, 80,000 cores and TECA: The search for extreme events in climate output", American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Fall Meeting 2012 [Related Link]
- Michael Wehner, Surendra Byna, Prabhat, Thomas Yopes, and John Wu, "Atmospheric Rivers in the CMIP3/5 Historical and Projection Simulations", In World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis, Honolulu, HI, USA, March 2012. Poster.
- Prabhat, O. Rübel, S. Byna, K. Wu, M. Wehner, W. Bethel, "TECA: A Parallel Toolkit for Extreme Climate Analysis", Third Worskhop on Data Mining in Earth System Science (DMESS), 2012 [PDF (1.7 MB)] [Download from Elsevier ScienceDirect]
- Y. Yin, S. Byna, H. Song, X.H. Sun, and R. Thakur, "Boosting Application-Specific Parallel I/O Optimization Using IOSIG", IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2012 [PDF] [Download from IEEE XPlore]
- Prabhat, Surendra Byna, Chris Paciorek, Gunther Weber, Kesheng Wu, Thomas Yopes, Michael Wehner, William Collins, George Ostrouchov, Richard Strelitz, and E. Wes Bethel, "Pattern Detection and Extreme Value Analysis on Large Climate Data", American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, December 2011. [Abstract]
- K. Wu, S. Byna, D. Rotem, and A. Shoshani, "Scientific Data Services - A High-Performance I/O System with Array Semantics", 1st Workshop on High-Performance Computing meets Databases (HPCDB 2011), Co-located with Supercomputing 2011, Seattle WA. [PDF] [Download from ACM Digital Library]
- S. Byna, Prabhat, M. Wehner, and K. Wu, "Detecting Atmospheric Rivers in Large Climate Datasets", 2nd International Workshop on Petascale Data Analytics: Challenges, and Opportunities (PDAC-11), Co-located with Supercomputing 2011, Seattle WA. [PDF (1.4 MB)] [Download from ACM Digital Library] [LBNL News]
- M. Balman and S. Byna, "Open problems in network-aware data management in exa-scale computing and terabit networking era", Proceedings of the first international workshop on Network-aware data management (NDM '11), Co-located with Supercomputing 2011, Seattle WA. [PDF] [Download from ACM Digital Library]
- D. Li, S. Byna, and S. Chakradar, "Energy-Aware Workload Consolidation on GPU", International Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems, In conjunction with International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2011 [PDF] [IEEE Xplore Digital Library]
- Surendra Byna and Xian-He Sun, "Editorial, Special issue on Data Intensive Computing", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2010. [PDF] [Full text of accepted papers of this issue]
- M. Becchi, S. Byna, S. Cadambi, and S. Chakradhar, "Data-Aware Scheduling of Legacy Kernels on Heterogeneous Platforms with Distributed Memory", 22nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Santorini, Greece, June 2010 [PDF]
- S. Byna, J. Meng, A. Raghunathan, S. Chakradhar, and S. Cadambi, "Best Effort Semantic Document Search on GPUs", Third Workshop on General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Procesing Units, Pittsburgh, PA, Mar 2010 [PDF]
- J. Meng, A. Raghunathan, S. Chakradhar, and S. Byna, "Exploiting the Forgiving Nature of Applications for Scalable Parallel Execution", IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2010 [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, and Yong Chen, "Taxonomy of Data Prefetching Strategies for Multicore Processors", Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Volume 24, Number 3 / May, pp. 405-417, 2009 [PDF]
- Zhibin Fang, Xian-He Sun, Yong Chen, and Surendra Byna, "Core-aware Memory Access Scheduling Schemes" IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2009 [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, and Don Holmgren, "Modeling Data Access Contention in Multicore Architectures", 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2009 [IEEE Xplore link]
- Surendra Byna, Yong Chen, Xian-He Sun, Rajeev Thakur, and William Gropp, "Parallel I/O Prefetching Using MPI File Caching and I/O Signatures", in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC '08), Austin, USA, November 2008 [PDF]
- Yong Chen, Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, Rajeev Thakur, and William Gropp, "Hiding I/O Latency with Pre-execution Prefetching for Parallel Applications", in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC '08), Austin, USA, November 2008 [PDF]
- Xian-He Sun, Yong Chen and Surendra Byna, "Scalable Computing in Multicore Era", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms, Architectures and Programming (PAAP'08), 2008. [PDF]
- Yong Chen, Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, Rajeev Thakur, and William Gropp, "Exploring Parallel I/O Concurrency with Speculative Prefetching", in the Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Portland, Oregon, USA, 2008 [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Yong Chen, and Xian-He Sun, "A Taxonomy of Data Prefetching Mechanisms", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN) 2008, Sydney, Australia, May 2008 [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, and Yong Chen, "Server-based Data Push Architecture for Multi-processor Environments", Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 22(5): 641~652, September 2007 [PDF]
- Yong Chen, Surendra Byna, and Xian-He Sun, "Data Access History Cache and Associated Data Prefetching Mechanisms", in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (Supercomputing 2007), Reno, NV 2007 [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Yong Chen, William Gropp, Xian-He Sun, and Rajeev Thakur, "POSTER: The Server-Push I/O Architecture for High-End Computing" International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (Supercomputing 2007), Reno, NV 2007
- Xian-He Sun, Surendra Byna, and Yong Chen, "Improving Data Access Performance with Server Push Architecture", in Proceedings of the NSF Next Generation Software Program Workshop (in conjunction with IPDPS '07), March 2007. [PDF]
2006 and Earlier
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, Rajeev Thakur and William Gropp "Automatic Memory Optimizations for Improving MPI Derived Datatype Performance", in Proceedings of the 13th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, 2006 (Euro PVM/MPI '06) [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, and Ryan Nakhoul, "Memory Servers: A Scope of SOA for High-End Computing", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2006 (SCC '06) [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Kirk W. Cameron and Xian-He Sun, "Isolating Costs in Shared Memory Communication Buffering", Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 15, No. 4 (2005), pp. 357~365, December 2005. [Link to publisher site][PDF]
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, William Gropp and Rajeev Thakur "Predicting the Memory-Access Cost Based on Data Access Patterns", IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, San Diego, September 2004. [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, William Gropp, Xian-He Sun and Rajeev Thakur "Improving the Performance of MPI Derived Datatypes by Optimizing Memory-Access Cost", IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Hong Kong, December 2003. [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, William Gropp, Xian-He Sun and Rajeev Thakur, "POSTER: Improving the Performance of MPI Derived Datatypes by Optimizing Memory-Access Cost", ACM/IEEE Supercomputing 2003 Conference (SC'03), November, 2003 [Best Poster Award]
- Surendra Byna, Kirk W. Cameron and Xian-He Sun, "Memory-Aware Communication -An Experimental Study with MPI", The 1st International Workshop on Hardware/Software Support for Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (SPDSEC02), September, 2002. (Charlottesville, VA) [PDF]
Book Chapters
- Bin Dong, Kesheng Wu, and Suren Byna, "User-Defined Tensor Data Analysis", SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, DOI:, ISBN: 978-3-030-70750-7, Publisher: Springer, Cham [Springer web site for the book] [FasTensor software ] [Related news]
- Parallel I/O Book "VPIC Chpater", [Need to update these details...]
- Surendra Byna, Kirk Cameron, and Xian-He Sun "Quantification of memory communication", Book Chapter in "High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing- Hardware/Software Support", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Chapter 3, pp: 31-44, 2003. [Publisher Link]
- M. Becchi, S. Byna, S. Cadambi and S. T. Chakradhar "Data-aware Scheduling on Heterogeneous Platforms", (Publication number: US8375392 B2, Publication date: Feb 12, 2013, Application number: 12/860,694, Publication number: US 2011/0173155 A1 Filing date: Aug 20, 2010) [Google Patents Link]
- D. Li, S. Byna, and S. Chakradhar "Energy-aware Task Consolidation on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)", (Publication number: US8643656 B2, Publication date: Feb 4, 2014, Application number: 13/227,865, Publication number: US 2012/0081373 A1 Filing date: Sep 8, 2011) [Google Patents Link]
Technical Reports
- Dong Li, Surendra Byna, and Srimat Chakradhar, "Energy-Aware Workload Consolidation on GPU", Technical Report, NEC Laboratories America (2010-TR121), Oct 2010
- S. Byna, J. Meng, A. Raghunathan, and S.T. Chakradhar "Best-effort Semantic Document Search on GPUs", Technical Report, NEC Laboratories America (2010-L021), Jan 2010.
- M. Becchi, S. Byna, S. Cadambi, and S.T. Chakradhar "Data-Aware Scheduling of Legacy Kernels on Heterogeneous Platforms with Distributed Memory", Technical Report, NEC Laboratories America (2010-L015), Jan 2010.
- S. Cadambi, A. Majumdar, M. Becchi, S. Byna, S.T. Chakradhar, and H.P. Graf, "A Massively Parallel, Smart Memory-based Accelerator for Data Analytics", Technical Report, NEC Laboratories America (2009-L157), Nov 2009.
- J. Meng, A. Raghunathan, S.T. Chakradhar, and S. Byna, "Scalable Parallel Execution of Recognition and Mining Workloads through Data Dependency Relation", Technical Report, NEC Laboratories America (2009-L120), Jul 2009.
- Surendra Byna Yong Chen and Xian-He Sun, "A Taxonomy of Data Prefetching Mechanisms", IIT-CS Technical Report (No. IIT/CS-SCS07-01), Illinois Institute of Technology, 2007. [Abstract]
- Surendra Byna, Xian-He Sun, and Yong Chen, "Server-based Data Push for Multi-processor Environments", IIT CS TR-2006-031, September 2006
- Xian-He Sun and Surendra Byna, "Data-access Memory Servers for Multi-processor Environments", IIT CS TR-2005-001, November 2005
- Kirk W. Cameron, Xian-He Sun, Surendra Byna and Rong Ge "Predicting and Evaluating Memory Communication Performance", USC CSCE TR-2003-021. September, 2003 [PDF]
- Surendra Byna, William Gropp, Xian-He Sun, and Rajeev Thakur "Improving the Performance of MPI Derived Datatypes by Optimizing Memory-Access Cost", Preprint ANL/MCS-P1045-0403, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, April 2003 [PDF]
- Best Paper Award for "Accelerating Science with the NERSC Burst Buffer Early User Program", at Cray User Group meeting (CUG 2016), London, UK, May 2016.
- Best Paper Award for "AMR-aware In Situ Indexing and Scalable Querying", at the 24th High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2016)
- Best Paper - Runner up for "AMR-aware In Situ Indexing and Scalable Querying", at the Spring Simulation Multi-conference 2016 (SpringSim'16)
- Juelich Supercomputing Center prize for the best application of HPC technology in solving a pattern recognition problem for "TECA: Petscale Pattern Recognition for Climate Science", at the 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) 2015.
- Best Paper Award Nominee for "A Multi-platform Study of I/O Behavior on Petascale Supercomputers", at The 24th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2015
- Best Paper Award for "Trillion Particles, 120,000 cores, and 350 TBs: Lessons Learned from a Hero I/O Run on Hopper", at Cray User Group meeting, Napa Valley, CA, May 2013.
- Best Paper Award Nominee for "Hiding I/O Latency with Pre-execution Prefetching for Parallel Applications", at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2008 (SC08), Austin, USA, November 2008.
- IEEE Student Travel award for IEEE Cluster 2004, 20-24 September 2004, San Diego
- Best Poster Award for "Improving the Performance of MPI Derived Datatypes by Optimizing Memory-Access Cost", at IEEE Supercomputing 2003 (SC'03) [Best Poster Award] [Poster] [News Link]
- Surendra Byna, "Server-based Data Push Architecture for Data Access Performance Optimization", A Dissertation in the Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. (December 2006) Advisor: Xian-He Sun
- Spring 2024: CSE 3244: Data Management in the Cloud
- Autumn 2023: CSE 6441: Parallel Computing
- Spring 2023: CSE 5449: Intermediate Studies in Scientific Data Management

Service 2023
- Workshops Proceedings Chair, SC23, 2023, Denver, CO
- Tutorials Chair, ISC HPC 2023, Hamburg, Germany
- Steering Committee member ISC HPC 2023, Hamburg, Germany
- Workshops co-chair, IPDPS 2023, St. Petersburg, FL
- Program co-chair, Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems (CHEOPS) 2023, Rome, Italy
- Programming and System Software - Program Committee Area co-chair, IEEE Cluster 2023, Santa Fe, NM
- SCALE Challenge co-chair, CCGrid 2023, Bangalore, India
- PC Member, SSDBM (35th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management), 2023
- PC Member, ICS'23 (37th The ACM International Conference on Supercomputing), 2023
- PC Member, HPC-IODC workshop 2023
Service (From 2009 to 2014) (Need to find time to update activities from 2014 to 2022. )
- Program Committee, IEEE CCGrid 2015, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
- Workshop Co-chair, The 4th International Workshop on Network-aware Data Management (NDM 2014), at SC14
- Program Committee, The 2014 International Workshop on Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (DISCS-2014)
- Program Committee, Workshop on Energy Efficient Mobile Computing
- Program Committee, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- Book Proposal Reviewer, CRC Press
- Session Chair, IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2014, Chicago
- Program Committee Area Chair, Architecture & Accelerators, IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2014, Chicago
- Reviewer, International Journal of Parallel Processing
- Program Committee, 3rd International Congress on Big Data
- Program Committee, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering
- Program Committee, The 6th International Workshop on Data-intensive Distributed Computing(DIDC'14)
- Program Committee, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, 2014
- Program Committee, 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2014)
- Program Committee, Seventh International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2), 2014
- Program Committee, The 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2014)
- Program Committee, DISCS 2013, in conjunction with SC13
- Workshop Co-Chair, NDM 2013, in conjunction with SC13
- Program Committee, 25th SBAC-PAD 2013
- Program Committee, IEEE HPCC 2013
- Program Committee, IEEE Big Data 2013
- Program Committee, IEEE Big Data Congress 2013
- Program Committee, CCGrid 2013
- Program Committee, 10th International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2013)
- Program Committee, FutureTech 2013
- Program Committee, AsHES 2013
- Program Committee, SRMPDS 2013
- Program Committee, Multicore World 2013, Wellington, New Zealand
- Program Committee, DISCS 2012 in conjunction with SC12
- Program Committee, ICPADS 2012
- Workshop Chair, Network-aware Data Management (NDM) 2012, in conjunction with SC'12
- Program Committee, SC12 Doctoral Showcase Program 2012
- Program Committee, HPCC 2012
- Program Committee, SRMPDS 2012
- Program Committee, ICA3PP 2012
- Program Committee, 3PGCIC 2012
- Program Committee, P2S2 2012
- Reviewer, Journal of Supercomputing
- Reviewer, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
- Technical Program Committee, AsHES 2012
- Program Committee, ISPA 2012, Middleware Track
- Technical Program Committee, CCGrid 2012
- Workshop Chair, Network-aware Data Management (NDM) 2011, in conjunction with SC11
- Program Committee, HiPC 2011 - Student Research Symposium
- Reviewer, IJHPCA
- Program Committee, CACHES 2011
- Program Committee, SRMPDS '11
- Program Committee, ISPA 2011, Middleware Track
- Program Committee, DIDC 2011
- Program Committee, 3PGCIC 2011
- Program Committee, P2S2 2011
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of JPDC on Data Intensive Computing (Full text of accepted papers of this issue)
- Program Committee, HiPC 2010
- Program Committee, HiPC 2010 - Student Research Symposium
- Tech Papers Performance Area Committee, SC09
- Program Committee, HiPC 2009 - Student Research Symposium
Suren Byna
Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Ohio State University
395 Dreese Labs
2015 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210-1210
Best way to contact me (by e-mail): byna〈DOT〉1〈AT〉osu〈DOT〉edu
© 2023 Suren Byna
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